How to get the maximum cashback for travel?
Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book…

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Top expensive and cool villas of Thailand
Thailand can be safely attributed to the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists. Students, families with children, entire firms and corporations come here. Phuket has become a kind of…

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Dream job: create travel outfits for dogs and their mistress
If you know how and love to do something, for example, to sew beautiful clothes, and you also buy it for good money, isn’t it a dream job ..? Dream…


The most popular attractions, which are now not allowed tourists
The British newspaper Daily Express has compiled a list of the most popular places among travelers with a ban on visits or limited access ...The most popular attractions, which are…

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9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world
Sometimes public transport can surprise so much that it's hard for you to imagine ...9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world You look at the…


thoughts to start the engine

Tourists can spend on the water lily up to 60 seconds for selfies.
Every year, a huge number of tourists come to Shuasi Park in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei City, to see the world's largest water lilies ... Tourists can spend on the water…


Top 5 most interesting tourist destinations in Armenia
So, you decided to spend your vacation in Armenia! What to do if, besides exploring museums and attractions, you just want to relax and fully enjoy the beauty of Armenian…
