Jellyfish season in israel
Despite the small size of Israel, it is washed by two seas - the Mediterranean and Red. However, a beach holiday in the resorts of this country can be overshadowed…

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How to get the maximum cashback for travel?
Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book…

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Dream job: create travel outfits for dogs and their mistress
If you know how and love to do something, for example, to sew beautiful clothes, and you also buy it for good money, isn’t it a dream job ..? Dream…


Top expensive and cool villas of Thailand
Thailand can be safely attributed to the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists. Students, families with children, entire firms and corporations come here. Phuket has become a kind of…

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How to get the maximum cashback for travel?
Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book…


the nature of the region

Season of jellyfish in Tunisia

Every year, more and more jellyfish are found off the coast of popular resorts: an increase in water temperature and its pollution have an effect. Meetings with these marine life can lead to serious burns, so it is important to choose the right season for a holiday …

Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
All the resorts of Tunisia are located on the Mediterranean Sea. As well as throughout the coast, there are practically no killer jellyfish, but white aurelia and blue cornea are frequent guests. Their burns can be fatal only if the victim has an individual intolerance to the jellyfish venom. Continue reading

What should be brought from Thailand?
Vivid impressions of the trip to Thailand upon returning from this amazing country, of course, should be supported by material - souvenirs, gifts ... The question “what to buy?” In…


What you need to do in Cyprus?
Cyprus is the place that will be remembered forever. The island is rich in wonderful landscapes, cozy bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful golden beaches ...What you need to…
