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What to see in Israel in 3 days

Israel is a country with a millennial history. Despite the small size of Israel, the sights of different eras here are found at almost every turn …

If you come to this amazing country for a short time, but want to see as many sights as possible, it is better to make radial trips from the city where you stayed.

Jerusalem is the most ancient city in the Middle East. The list of its attractions is not limited to the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher, the Kubbat al-Sakhra mosque and the Wailing Wall. If you have only three days at your disposal, dedicate them to the historical part of Jerusalem: meet the dawn on the Mount of Olives, stroll along the fortress wall, visit the Austrian hospice observation deck, get lost in the ruins of an abandoned Elevator village and enjoy the silence in cozy Yemin Moshe. And if you still want to see other cities, use public transport, which is very well developed in Israel.

In this city, according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was born. Hence the Biblical King David.

In addition to the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ, one of the most significant shrines of the Christian world, there are many other religious buildings in Bethlehem and its surroundings.

Getting to Bethlehem from Jerusalem on your own is not so easy. From the Damascus Gate goes bus number 231, which reaches the checkpoint on the Palestinian-Israeli border. To reach key attractions in the city, take local public transport or taxis.

The fortress of Masada is located on top of one of the rocks of the Judean desert. More than 2,000 years ago, it served as a refuge for the family of King Herod the Great and a repository of royal gold. In 67 year n. e. the Romans took the fortress. Three years later, not wanting to surrender, the Jewish men who were inside the fortress killed their wives and children, and then each other – by lot.

When the last man was left, he set fire to the fortress and burned himself alive. Now the complex has preserved the ruins of Herod’s Palace, a synagogue, a bath, a Byzantine monastery, water tanks, as well as fragments of wall paintings and mosaics.

From the central bus station in Jerusalem every hour buses leave for Masada and stop at the foot of the mountain. Not far from the stop there is an information center where you need to buy a ticket to the fortress itself and to the funicular (optional). From the mountains offer incredible views of the mountains and the Dead Sea.

The Dead Sea is the saltiest lake in the world. Due to the high salt content of its water is not suitable for the life of fish and other organisms. Due to the unique composition of salts and minerals, the water and mud of the Dead Sea have healing properties.

In addition, the Dead Sea is the lowest land area on the planet, and the oxygen content here is 10% higher than over other water bodies. It is allowed to swim in the sea and even come close to it only on the beaches of well-equipped resorts, otherwise you can fall under a solid salt crust. Before swimming, it is advisable to wear swimming goggles: if the water gets into your eyes, rest on the Dead Sea will be spoiled. Keep in mind that the beaches of the saltiest lake in the world are always crowded.

The most popular Israeli resorts of the Dead Sea are Ein Bokek and Ein Gedi. You can feel the state of weightlessness after exploring the fortress of Masada. There are regular buses between the Masada Center bus station and the resorts. Ein Bokek can be reached in 15 minutes by buses No. 444, No. 384 and No. 486, and Ein Gedi can be reached in 30 minutes by buses No. 384 or No. 486. From Jerusalem to Ein Bokek there are buses No. 444 and No. 486, to Ein Gedi – No. 486. Travel time is 1.5 hours.

If you left for Jerusalem directly from the airport, be sure to dedicate the day to Tel Aviv.

This is a real city of contrasts: from the embankment, along which ultramodern hotels are built, there is a view of ancient Jaffa, and skyscrapers rise against the background of the small, cozy houses of Neve Tzedek.

It is best to immediately go to the northern part of the city, relax after the road in Yarkon Park, and then slowly move towards Jaffa.

You should definitely visit the square of Bialik and Dizengoff, walk along Allenby Street, collect shells on the beach near Charles Clore Park, walk along the streets of ancient Neve Tzedek and meet the sunset in Jaffa.

And after sunset you can admire the evening Tel Aviv from the observation deck of the Azrieli Tower.

To the central bus station of Tel Aviv, bus number 405 runs every 15 minutes. To avoid getting lost and get to the bus stop, install the MoveIt application on your phone: it is used by all Israelis.

In the former capital of Israel, keeping up with the times, they usually come to business conferences or medical treatment. Tel Aviv is so interesting and diverse that it does not have time to get bored in three days.

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What not to do in Israel tourists
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