Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
Every year, more and more jellyfish are found off the coast of popular resorts: an increase in water temperature and its pollution have an effect. Meetings with these marine life…

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Season of jellyfish in Tunisia

Every year, more and more jellyfish are found off the coast of popular resorts: an increase in water temperature and its pollution have an effect. Meetings with these marine life can lead to serious burns, so it is important to choose the right season for a holiday …

Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
All the resorts of Tunisia are located on the Mediterranean Sea. As well as throughout the coast, there are practically no killer jellyfish, but white aurelia and blue cornea are frequent guests. Their burns can be fatal only if the victim has an individual intolerance to the jellyfish venom.

White Aurelia
Blue corneta
In all other cases, the sensations will be similar to a severe burn of nettle. However, there is no benefit to the body from the burn of a jellyfish, and for impressions from a beach holiday in Tunisia to be only positive, it is important to choose not only the resort, but also the month for the trip.
Jellyfish off the Tunisian coast
Jellyfish do not inhabit the Tunisian shores all year round, but only in a certain season, when they are brought in by a warm current. Therefore, the probability of meeting with jellyfish is high at a time when water in the sea has the highest temperature – about + 28 ° C.

Tunisia on the World Map
According to long-term observations, in May and October jellyfish swim to the northern coast. In June, they can be found near the beaches of the island of Djerba. In July, a lot of jellyfish in the resort of Mahdia. And from mid-July to late August, the invasion of these sea creatures is observed off the coast of Monastir, Hammamet and Sousse. These resorts are considered the undisputed leader in the number of jellyfish, not only in Tunisia, but in all Mediterranean countries. On the private beaches of hotels between the buoys there is a barrier net that does not allow jellyfish to swim close to the shore, but small aurelia jellyfish can seep through it.

Resort selection
Jellyfish do not like cool water, so they are practically absent in Tabarka, where water is always colder than at other resorts. This resort is suitable for those who swim well and love when the seabed drops abruptly.

Tunisia Resorts
In Sousse and Hammamet there are no jellyfish at all in June, but the sea is so shallow that even the buoys barely reach the shoulders of an adult. It is good to come here for tourists with small children or for those who are poorly supported by water. In September, jellyfish swim away from the shores of these popular resorts, and the rest in the autumn months will be comfortable here.

According to tourists, at the beginning of autumn there are no jellyfish in Mahdia, and the water in the sea is still warm enough to rest with small children. Here, clean sandy beaches and a gentle entry into the water.

Djerba has the cleanest water in Tunisia and a comfortable entry into the sea. In any month except June, jellyfish will not spoil the rest on this island.

Burn symptoms
It is not always possible to notice a jellyfish floating nearby and avoid contact with it. The first symptoms of a burn are burning of a small area of ​​skin and a sharp stabbing pain.

Jellyfish burns
Almost immediately, the pain is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, then in some cases, the victim may begin chills from fever, shortness of breath and cough. The affected area is covered with blisters, the scars from which heal for several months.

First aid for burns jellyfish
Immediately after the burn, even if it seems weak, you need to get out of the water. Over time, the pain will intensify, and the victim will not be able to swim out because of convulsions. On the shore, the affected skin area should be washed with salt water – it will cleanse the skin of the remaining jellyfish particles. Fresh water in this case is dangerous: its chemical composition provokes the release of poison from stinging cells that remain on the skin after a bite. You can also not touch the burn with your bare hands.

Then it is necessary to cover the burn with sand and scrape together with it the remains of the poison with the blunt edge of a knife, a plastic card or the edge of a nail file.

To neutralize the poison, you need to wipe cleansed skin with an alkaline solution – for example, baking soda diluted in water. If it is not possible to find soda, and the victim is not too squeamish, the soda solution can replace urine. Soap is better not to use because of the content in it of extraneous chemicals.

To remove toxins from the upper layers of the skin will help the acidic environment – apple cider vinegar, juicy tomato pulp, lemon juice.

First aid for burns jellyfish
To reduce edema, an antihistamine should be taken. In the first aid kit of any tourist must be “Tavegil”, “Zodak” or “Suprastin”, as well as ointment “Bepanten”, which helps with any burns.

After rendering first aid, the victim needs rest in the shade. To burn the jellyfish faster, you need to drink plenty of clean water and give up alcohol.

How to avoid a jellyfish bite
Even if the jellyfish are not in calm water, they can be washed ashore during a storm. You should not enter the water and play in high waves if there was a storm the day before: jellyfish tentacles with still live stinging cells can remain in the water. Poisonous particles stick to the buoys and breakwaters. When meeting with a jellyfish while swimming, it is better to sail away and not to admire its smooth movements.

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