What will you hear instead of the Russian "Hello!" In other countries?
If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised - this is the…

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Beautiful Prague: what to see and where to go in the capital of the Czech Republic
"Prague will not let you go," said Kafka, and he was damn right. Millions of tourists who have visited the capital of the Czech Republic, plan to repeat visits. They…

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Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
Every year, more and more jellyfish are found off the coast of popular resorts: an increase in water temperature and its pollution have an effect. Meetings with these marine life…


Why is Turkey so popular with tourists?
For over ten years, Turkey has been the most popular summer country for beach holidays for Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. The warm sea and mild climate, comfortable hotels for every…

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Top expensive and cool villas of Thailand
Thailand can be safely attributed to the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists. Students, families with children, entire firms and corporations come here. Phuket has become a kind of…


Car Tour: Which Direction Should I Take?
The car provides complete freedom of action for lovers of travel. But it happens that there is time and money, but where to go is difficult to determine. If the…


How to get the maximum cashback for travel?
Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book…
