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Jellyfish season in israel

Despite the small size of Israel, it is washed by two seas – the Mediterranean and Red. However, a beach holiday in the resorts of this country can be overshadowed by the presence of the unpleasant inhabitants of these seas – jellyfish …

Jellyfish season in israel
In recent years, jellyfish multiply as a result of human activity. Man-made factors lead to an increase in the temperature of the water in the ocean, and fishing – to reduce the population of sea turtles, tuna and other large fish, which are the main enemies of the “sea nettle”. Once upon a time there were no poisonous jellyfish in the Mediterranean at all – they always lived in the Indian Ocean. But after the opening of the Suez Canal, the warm current brought jellyfish to the Mediterranean Sea, and since then, every summer during the summer months, these uninvited guests swim up to the shores of seaside resorts.

Map of resorts in Israel

Jellyfish on the Mediterranean
The swimming season on the Mediterranean begins in May. But already in early June, colonies of jellyfish attack the entire Mediterranean coast of the country – from Nahariya to Ashkelon. Most of these marine life can be found in the northern resorts – in Haifa, Acre, Shavei Zion and Nahariya. By the end of July, they are much smaller, and only by mid-August do they almost completely disappear from the coastal zones. In the season of jellyfish, swimming in the Mediterranean Sea becomes uncomfortable: there is a strong burning sensation in the water due to the fact that these sea creatures release stinging threads into the water. To the shores of the Mediterranean resorts of Israel, transparent white jellyfish of the species of the ropelem and kornerot swim, which burns can cause a strong allergic reaction and even anaphylactic shock.

For swimming in the Mediterranean in the season of jellyfish, it is recommended to wear closed bathing suits – they protect not only from poisonous sea creatures, but also from the sun’s rays. Also at this time it is impossible to dive without a mask or goggles for scuba diving: burns of jellyfish are especially dangerous for the eyes and in some cases can lead to partial loss of vision. And young children cannot enter the water altogether – the jellyfish burn threatens them with a fatal outcome.

The monitoring site meduzot.co.il will help to track the movements and the level of jellyfish clusters off the Mediterranean coast of Israel. The site is available only in Hebrew, but to understand the interactive map presented on it is easy. Poisonous jellyfish are marked in red, non-poisonous – blue. The icon with three jellyfish shows their large accumulation, and with one – a comparative small. Red stripes along the shore mean burning water.

For those who are on the Mediterranean coast of Israel in the jellyfish season, this map will help you find beaches that are safe for swimming. The site does not boot from Russian IP, but in Israel you can access it from a mobile device by connecting to Wi-Fi.

Jellyfish on the Red Sea
On the Red Sea there is only one Israeli resort – Eilat. Unlike the Mediterranean resorts, it is rich in the beauty of the underwater world. The water in the Red Sea is cooler than in the Mediterranean, so there is practically no poisonous jellyfish here – ropilles swim from the Indian Ocean immediately to the warmer Mediterranean Sea. In the summer months, colonies of blue jellyfish-aurelia swim to the shore of the Gulf of Eilat, completely safe for humans. But in some years the water temperature in the Red Sea becomes abnormally high, and poisonous jellyfish remain in the Gulf of Eilat.

Burn symptoms
Immediately after receiving the burn, the victim will feel burning and pain. Possible pain shock. The affected area quickly begins to blush and become covered with a rash. The victim may experience nausea and dizziness, in severe cases, suffocation and cough.

What to do and what not to do with a burn
Having received a burn of a jellyfish, it is best to seek help from coastal rescuers who are on all the comfortable beaches of Israel. It is enough to say the word “jellyfish” – in Hebrew, it sounds the same. If there were no rescuers nearby, an acidic environment will help to eliminate pain and alleviate the effects of the burn. Affected skin should be treated with fresh lemon or tomato juice, and apple cider vinegar will do.

In order not to increase the irritation of the skin and not to increase the area of ​​the burn, in no case should you do the following:
wash the burn with fresh water;
lubricate with cream and oils;
process alcohol-containing liquids, including iodine and brilliant green;
rub your hands;
take alcohol inside.

Where to rest in Israel in the season of jellyfish
For those planning a beach holiday in Israel, in the season of jellyfish, it is better to choose resorts near freshwater bodies: Kinneret Lake, the Jordan River and its tributaries, Sakhne. The water temperature in these waters is the same as in the Mediterranean. In Eilat, it is very hot in summer: the air temperature can reach + 40 ° С, and the water temperature in the Gulf of Eilat is no higher than + 26 ° С. Such a temperature difference may be uncomfortable for many tourists.

In 2018, the first jellyfish sailed to the shores of Mediterranean resorts two months earlier than usual – in April.

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