Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions of young tourists go to the country to visit beach bars and night clubs ...…

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Parachute jumps and air tours are increasingly popular.
Everyone from childhood wanted to learn how to fly. Nowadays, to realize this desire is extremely simple. How about jumping with a parachute or enjoying a beautiful flight on a…

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Bans in thailand
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From Koh Samui to Singapore - how to get there?
Some Russian tourists vacationing on the popular Thai island of Koh Samui are interested in questions - how to get from Koh Samui to Singapore, and whether there are excursions…

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What should be brought from Thailand?
Vivid impressions of the trip to Thailand upon returning from this amazing country, of course, should be supported by material - souvenirs, gifts ... The question “what to buy?” In…


Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?

Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance …Where to buy insurance for travel abroad? Tour operators usually arrange for their customers the cheapest insurance that does not cover the costs in the event of an accident. Tourists consider the insurance a “divorce” and, organizing the rest on their own, they make it out only when it is necessary for obtaining a visa. However, during the trip there is always the risk of getting sick, poisoning or getting injured, and going to a local clinic will cost a large sum. Therefore, it is better to secure yourself in advance and apply for a medical insurance policy using one of the online resources.

Choosing an insurance company, pay attention to which company is an assistance – a service that you need to contact in case of an insured event. Assistance will arrange an ambulance checkout, find a hospital and solve all other issues. The phone number of the assistance is indicated in the medical policy. Allianz Global Assistance, AXA Assistance and Euro-Center Holding are considered best assistants. Registration of health insurance with the help of insurance aggregators will allow you to choose suitable conditions and assistance.

Also learn the rules for paying compensation from different companies. Remember that injuries received as a result of practicing extreme sports or alcohol intoxication are not an insured event if you have not chosen additional options when applying for the policy.

This aggregator is the largest and most popular. Once logged in, select the country of travel, dates of stay and number of travelers. Then the program will offer all the available offers of insurance companies, ranging from the cheapest to the most expensive. The cost is indicated for the base policy. To fully protect yourself when traveling, include additional options in the policy, depending on the format in which you are going to travel. You can also additionally insure the flight in case of flight delays, baggage, documents, etc. If you travel by private car or issue a work visa, check the appropriate box. The disadvantage of the aggregator is that the best assistants do not cooperate with it.

The principle of choosing an insurance company on this service is the same as on Cherehapa. Insurance companies are displayed with a rating. The aggregator is especially convenient for those who are engaged in professional sports or prefer active leisure: you can include one or several sports in the insurance. Insurance policies of different price categories are presented on The cost depends on the assistance and on the options that are included in the basic policy. If you open the details of any policy, you can find out the amount of insurance of individual risks.

Those who are afraid to apply for health insurance on aggregator websites are best to use the service of It differs from its competitors in that it ships to the websites of insurance companies, where policy registration takes place. And the best insurance companies for travelers are Tripinsurance and Tinkoff-Insurance.

This insurance company has positioned itself as the most reliable for experienced travelers. The company’s assistance is Allianz Global Assistance, the largest in Europe. TripInsurance insurance policy reviews are the best: customers mark the operational work of the assistance and the highest level of medical care. The insurance company assumes all expenses.

This company has a significant drawback: when you make a policy, you can choose only one of four tariffs. A separate selection of additional options is not provided.

Many travelers have already switched to Tinkoff Bank cards due to a profitable mile program. No less profitable and travel insurance online from Tinkoff. In addition to the standard costs of medical services, the company fully reimburses the costs of emergency dentistry – other companies usually have a fixed amount in the range of $ 200-300. If you have to pay for medical care yourself, it will be enough to send photographs of invoices and documents by e-mail in order to receive compensation. In addition, if the accident occurred on the last day of the insurance, the company will pay for the treatment and stay in the hospital until recovery. Tinkoff Insurance will pay for the return ticket home after checkout if you choose this option in advance.

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