The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ...The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts. However,…

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ао атмосфера Эффективные методы создания бизнеса
The most popular attractions, which are now not allowed tourists
The British newspaper Daily Express has compiled a list of the most popular places among travelers with a ban on visits or limited access ...The most popular attractions, which are…

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10 reasons to celebrate New Year in Armenia
You will learn how the main holiday of the year is traditionally celebrated here, and what bright events and events take place in the capital and other cities of Armenia.…


What you need to do in Cyprus?
Cyprus is the place that will be remembered forever. The island is rich in wonderful landscapes, cozy bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful golden beaches ...What you need to…

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12 airplane situations that people have to face

In the days of the first planes, the novice pilots were teased with “sticky asses.” Couples of castor oil, which served as lubricant for the engines, provoked light diarrhea in pilots, and there were no toilets in the sky yet …

12 airplane situations that people have to face
Experienced flyers struggled with this with the help of berry moonshine with an astringent effect. And it was only the beginning of many nasty and disgusting phenomena that people have to face when flying by airplanes.

Planes can not die
The death of anyone in the sky is such a bureaucratic trap that many airlines go to a direct forgery in order to hide this fact and not create problems. The stewardess will cover the corpse with a blanket with the head, fasten it more firmly and politely spike the ears of the neighbors in the chair: “Sit and endure.” No, if there is much, you will be transplanted, but usually you have to pretend that the poor guy just “got drunk and sleeps.”

Stewardess covers the corpse with a blanket with her head

Used, everything is used
Headsets, cloth napkins and other small items allegedly get new from the package and distributed to passengers. But who will believe that all these items are really disposable? The question is, rather, is this: were they simply wiped with a cloth after the previous flight, or at least disinfected?

Animals have more privileges than humans.
The animals can get into the cabin of an airliner only if they have a “animal guide” vest or a “therapeutic animal” collar that help people with disabilities. These are dogs, pigs, monkeys, and even ponies, which need to be placed, fed and serviced in flight. Theoretically, they are well trained, in practice, you can run a pig for as long as you want and not be shat on your seat and all to no avail. You will be fined and blacklisted for this, the animal will not.

Animals have more privileges than humans.

Neighbors have a number of different interests.
It turns out that one cannot forbid an adult to watch porn on a tablet on an airplane, and without headphones. Even if there are small children. And in general, to watch content 18+, as if that documentary film about cannibals or a manual on coprophilia. You can only ask to make the sound quieter, but no one is obliged to heed your request. And yes, this also applies to high-profile children’s cartoons.

Turbulence and Vomiting
The vestibular apparatus of a person is weak because no one trains him except for military pilots. And modern technology makes the flight soft and inconspicuous, so gluttons and fill their bellies to the eyeballs. But then the pilot says: “To buckle up, we enter the zone of turbulence” and the contents of the stomachs, and the intestines too, rushes out sharply. Dirty truth.

Animals have more privileges than humans.

Diapers are on everyone’s mind.
Yes, not all models of airplanes have a changing table, but even if there is, the real “Yazmat” does not bother with such a trifle. A smelly diaper will be changed to everyone in sight, and then shrillly they will demand that the flight attendant or other passengers take it to the trash bin, because the hands are very busy.

There is no drinking water on board
No, of course there is – bottled, and very often lately for a fee. A free slurry comes from a large tank in common with the bathroom, where it is poured from the ordinary water supply at the airport. According to the regulations – fine! By the way, coffee on the plane in some airlines brew from it.

Animals have more privileges than humans.

Awkward Sex
The legends about the “1000 miles club” and the like provoke people to make intercourse in flight, often just “for show”, in order to tell them “Yes, we did it”. And how to do, when and what other passengers will think is usually ignored. As a result, the mass of embarrassing and frankly nasty situations with would-be lovers in flight.

With pressure, jokes are bad
The plane is such an airtight “pan” in which comfortable air pressure is maintained. But it happens that automation fails. This rarely leads to real catastrophes, but a balloon, a vessel in the nose or a colostomy bag burst from the pressure drop, is prosaic reality.

Animals have more privileges than humans.

Fluid badly scrub
You may be thrown over, by chance or on purpose, you yourself may be thrown over, the plane sometimes gets into the air pocket and then everything is poured. Nothing terrible, except for the fact that you should sit with a wet spot until the end of the flight. And where to go? Neither change clothes nor wash clothes, only napkins from the flight attendants. And that’s all.

Toilets are dangerous
I remember the disgusting case in which no one is to blame, but still bad. The passenger went to the toilet, managed to thoroughly empty the intestines, when suddenly the plane plummets into the airhole, falling five meters down. Inside, all the loose items “jumped” and the contents of the toilet bowl, too, and then dropped. On the one who was locked in a cramped toilet cubicle. Do not envy.

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What you need to do in Cyprus?
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