What will you hear instead of the Russian "Hello!" In other countries?
If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised - this is the…

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Now in Turkey almost every hotel works with Russian tour operators and tourists, especially as regards the Antalya coast, which is the most popular among Russians ...Turkey Today we will…

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Autotravel with children: how to make them comfortable?
Summer is the traditional time of vacations and trips outside the city with the whole family. Today, many people prefer to travel by public transport by car. Someone travels to…


10 places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is one of the most popular tourist cities. In addition to the main attractions, in the new capital of Israel there are other interesting places that are usually not…

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What is treated in the Czech Republic?
There is such a thing - medical tourism. People buy tours abroad to get to the leading clinics for treatment and rehabilitation. In the top ten most popular countries for…


insurance aggregators will allow

Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?

Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance …Where to buy insurance for travel abroad? Tour operators usually arrange for their customers the cheapest insurance that does not cover the costs in the event of an accident. Tourists consider the insurance a “divorce” and, organizing the rest on their own, they make it out only when it is necessary for obtaining a visa. Continue reading

10 beach hotels in Bulgaria
In recent years, Bulgaria is regularly among the top five among the beach destinations of the holiday season ... This is facilitated by a number of conditions: the affordable cost…


Tourists can spend on the water lily up to 60 seconds for selfies.
Every year, a huge number of tourists come to Shuasi Park in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei City, to see the world's largest water lilies ... Tourists can spend on the water…
