How to avoid travel theft.
Travel resources contain many stories about thefts in various cities and countries, which scares off potential tourists. However, there are different ways to maximize protect yourself and save money and…

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7 life hacking for a long flight
Long air travel is a necessary necessity for achieving big goals. However, following simple rules will make them much more pleasant. Read and memorize!7 life hacking for a long flight…

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What will you hear instead of the Russian "Hello!" In other countries?
If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised - this is the…


What to see in Israel in 3 days
Israel is a country with a millennial history. Despite the small size of Israel, the sights of different eras here are found at almost every turn ... If you come…

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The most popular attractions, which are now not allowed tourists
The British newspaper Daily Express has compiled a list of the most popular places among travelers with a ban on visits or limited access ...The most popular attractions, which are…


also includes a visit to the site

What you need to do in Cyprus?
Cyprus is the place that will be remembered forever. The island is rich in wonderful landscapes, cozy bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful golden beaches ...What you need to…


Cyprus wine tour is not only tasting flavored drink
Cyprus is a beautiful island with beautiful nature, delicious national cuisine, hospitable locals, world-famous wines and a great beach holiday ... Those who buy a trip to Cyprus from the…
