Wedding tourism: wedding and honeymoon in Cyprus
It is difficult to imagine a country that is best suited for such an important and exciting moment as the wedding of the young and the honeymoon, rather than Cyprus…

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Parachute jumps and air tours are increasingly popular.
Everyone from childhood wanted to learn how to fly. Nowadays, to realize this desire is extremely simple. How about jumping with a parachute or enjoying a beautiful flight on a…

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The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ...The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts. However,…


Ten amazing places in the incredible city of Dubai
It is unique in itself, this city, the center of oil trading in the Middle East, which in just a few decades has turned from an unknown Arab town into…

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Tourists can spend on the water lily up to 60 seconds for selfies.
Every year, a huge number of tourists come to Shuasi Park in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei City, to see the world's largest water lilies ... Tourists can spend on the water…


famous for its very beautiful

The most popular attractions, which are now not allowed tourists
The British newspaper Daily Express has compiled a list of the most popular places among travelers with a ban on visits or limited access ...The most popular attractions, which are…


Car Tour: Which Direction Should I Take?
The car provides complete freedom of action for lovers of travel. But it happens that there is time and money, but where to go is difficult to determine. If the…
