Top expensive

What to see in Israel in 3 days
Israel is a country with a millennial history. Despite the small size of Israel, the sights of different eras here are found at almost every turn ... If you come…

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What not to do in Israel tourists
Israel is a free country. You will see this after passing strict passport control at the airport and find yourself in crazy Tel Aviv, where homosexual couples and freaks of…

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Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?
Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance ...Where to buy insurance for travel…


Top expensive and cool villas of Thailand
Thailand can be safely attributed to the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists. Students, families with children, entire firms and corporations come here. Phuket has become a kind of…

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Discover the secrets of Africans
Not only the rich chocolate color of the skin of African people, but also their anatomical features sometimes surprise and cause a lot of questions ... Discover the secrets of…


What should be brought from Thailand?

Vivid impressions of the trip to Thailand upon returning from this amazing country, of course, should be supported by material – souvenirs, gifts …

The question “what to buy?” In Thailand usually comes up sharply in front of a tourist in the last day or two before returning to his homeland. The problem of choice is aggravated by the presence in the country of a powerful industry of goods specially produced for the tourist market. The range of such goods is huge. Continue reading

How to get the maximum cashback for travel?

Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book hotels themselves. Most users have a well-known platform This platform is the global leader in online travel. For convenience, the service has been translated into 40 languages. It has 700,000 partner hotels located throughout Europe. Continue reading

Traveling light: how to get by on hand luggage on the plane
According to media reports in our country, only 20% of passengers fly without baggage: since 2017, this has been the reason for the ticket price increase - now it simply…


Now in Turkey almost every hotel works with Russian tour operators and tourists, especially as regards the Antalya coast, which is the most popular among Russians ...Turkey Today we will…
