Oddities and paradoxes of the Berlin park Tiergarten
Tiergarten Park can not help but like. One of the largest parks in the world, covering an area of ​​210 hectares, located in the center of Berlin, with many monuments…

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Yacht tourism abroad: where to start?
In the distance you can see a piece of sushi with white sand. A light salty breeze tingles his lips, a glass of champagne in his hand, and around the…

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Wedding tourism: wedding and honeymoon in Cyprus
It is difficult to imagine a country that is best suited for such an important and exciting moment as the wedding of the young and the honeymoon, rather than Cyprus…


Unusual temples of Thailand
One of the most unusual temples in Thailand - Wat Rong Khun or the White Temple, is located in a place called Amphuar, in the province of Chiang Rai. This…

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Parachute jumps and air tours are increasingly popular.
Everyone from childhood wanted to learn how to fly. Nowadays, to realize this desire is extremely simple. How about jumping with a parachute or enjoying a beautiful flight on a…


you can keep the usual

Autotravel with children: how to make them comfortable?

Summer is the traditional time of vacations and trips outside the city with the whole family. Today, many people prefer to travel by public transport by car. Someone travels to nearby cities and regions, someone plans to travel to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, to the Crimea and other traditional places of recreation in Russia, and sometimes to other countries. Continue reading

What to see in Marbella?
Marbella is not only the most fashionable luxury resort in the coastal area of ​​the Costa del Sol in Spain, but a rather picturesque city, in which, in addition to…


What is treated in the Czech Republic?
There is such a thing - medical tourism. People buy tours abroad to get to the leading clinics for treatment and rehabilitation. In the top ten most popular countries for…
