Now in Turkey almost every hotel works with Russian tour operators and tourists, especially as regards the Antalya coast, which is the most popular among Russians ...Turkey Today we will…

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Discover the secrets of Africans
Not only the rich chocolate color of the skin of African people, but also their anatomical features sometimes surprise and cause a lot of questions ... Discover the secrets of…

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The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ...The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts. However,…


Bans in thailand
Thais are generally not aggressive and friendly towards foreigners, because tourism revenues are a significant part of the Thai economy.But the laws in this kingdom are strict, including with respect…

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7 life hacking for a long flight
Long air travel is a necessary necessity for achieving big goals. However, following simple rules will make them much more pleasant. Read and memorize!7 life hacking for a long flight…


submitting documents and transfers

Sharing experience – a visa to Germany for a pensioner

“Visa to Germany for pensioners? Oh, it is difficult, many are denied! ”- I had to deal with such an opinion on social networks and in conversations with friends …This spring, I independently issued for myself a tourist visa to Germany, so in this article I want to share my experience on how to get a Schengen to a pensioner. Continue reading

Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?
Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance ...Where to buy insurance for travel…


Jellyfish season in israel
Despite the small size of Israel, it is washed by two seas - the Mediterranean and Red. However, a beach holiday in the resorts of this country can be overshadowed…
