What will you hear instead of the Russian "Hello!" In other countries?
If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised - this is the…

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Top 5 most interesting tourist destinations in Armenia
So, you decided to spend your vacation in Armenia! What to do if, besides exploring museums and attractions, you just want to relax and fully enjoy the beauty of Armenian…

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Discover the secrets of Africans
Not only the rich chocolate color of the skin of African people, but also their anatomical features sometimes surprise and cause a lot of questions ... Discover the secrets of…


Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?
Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance ...Where to buy insurance for travel…

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Holidays in Russia
The beginning of the summer holiday season in Russia this year almost coincided with the start of the World Cup, which had a rather strong influence on both holiday plans…


resort areas of the coast in summer

The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts

Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail …The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts.
However, about this very sea of ​​information, besides addressed to specialists, there is little surprise in the network. And this despite the fact that the Sea of ​​Azov is in many ways unusual, scientists believe that it was formed as a result of a global natural disaster around 5600 BC. e., that is, in historical times. Continue reading

10 reasons to celebrate New Year in Armenia
You will learn how the main holiday of the year is traditionally celebrated here, and what bright events and events take place in the capital and other cities of Armenia.…


What you need to do in Cyprus?
Cyprus is the place that will be remembered forever. The island is rich in wonderful landscapes, cozy bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful golden beaches ...What you need to…
