What will you hear instead of the Russian "Hello!" In other countries?
If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised - this is the…

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Unusual temples of Thailand
One of the most unusual temples in Thailand - Wat Rong Khun or the White Temple, is located in a place called Amphuar, in the province of Chiang Rai. This…

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Autotravel with children: how to make them comfortable?
Summer is the traditional time of vacations and trips outside the city with the whole family. Today, many people prefer to travel by public transport by car. Someone travels to…


From Koh Samui to Singapore - how to get there?
Some Russian tourists vacationing on the popular Thai island of Koh Samui are interested in questions - how to get from Koh Samui to Singapore, and whether there are excursions…

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Beach holiday in Israel: 14 beaches of Tel Aviv
Modern and dynamic Tel Aviv is the center of the largest Israeli agglomeration of more than a dozen settlements, with more or less conventional boundaries ...This is the most tourist…


One of them is associated with an advertising

9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world

Sometimes public transport can surprise so much that it’s hard for you to imagine …9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world
You look at the miracle of technology and do not understand how it works at all.

In the German town of Wuppertal runs the most futuristic tram in the world. The train length of 24 meters practically hovers in the air, without touching the ground. Fabulous, is not it. Continue reading

On bans on cruise liners: logical, not very clear, and very strange
The phrase "maritime order" is not just a figure of speech. For a long history of navigation, a certain set of rules of behavior at sea has developed, these rules…


On bans on cruise liners: logical, not very clear, and very strange
The phrase "maritime order" is not just a figure of speech. For a long history of navigation, a certain set of rules of behavior at sea has developed, these rules…
