How to avoid travel theft.
Travel resources contain many stories about thefts in various cities and countries, which scares off potential tourists. However, there are different ways to maximize protect yourself and save money and…

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9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world
Sometimes public transport can surprise so much that it's hard for you to imagine ...9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world You look at the…

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Beautiful Prague: what to see and where to go in the capital of the Czech Republic
"Prague will not let you go," said Kafka, and he was damn right. Millions of tourists who have visited the capital of the Czech Republic, plan to repeat visits. They…


Sharing experience - a visa to Germany for a pensioner
“Visa to Germany for pensioners? Oh, it is difficult, many are denied! ”- I had to deal with such an opinion on social networks and in conversations with friends ...This…

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Yacht tourism abroad: where to start?
In the distance you can see a piece of sushi with white sand. A light salty breeze tingles his lips, a glass of champagne in his hand, and around the…



Unusual temples of Thailand
One of the most unusual temples in Thailand - Wat Rong Khun or the White Temple, is located in a place called Amphuar, in the province of Chiang Rai. This…


Top expensive and cool villas of Thailand
Thailand can be safely attributed to the most popular holiday destinations among Russian tourists. Students, families with children, entire firms and corporations come here. Phuket has become a kind of…
