Now in Turkey almost every hotel works with Russian tour operators and tourists, especially as regards the Antalya coast, which is the most popular among Russians ...Turkey Today we will…

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The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ...The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts. However,…

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Traveling light: how to get by on hand luggage on the plane
According to media reports in our country, only 20% of passengers fly without baggage: since 2017, this has been the reason for the ticket price increase - now it simply…


Holidays in Russia
The beginning of the summer holiday season in Russia this year almost coincided with the start of the World Cup, which had a rather strong influence on both holiday plans…

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Top 5 most interesting tourist destinations in Armenia
So, you decided to spend your vacation in Armenia! What to do if, besides exploring museums and attractions, you just want to relax and fully enjoy the beauty of Armenian…


airline representatives

Sharing experience – a visa to Germany for a pensioner

“Visa to Germany for pensioners? Oh, it is difficult, many are denied! ”- I had to deal with such an opinion on social networks and in conversations with friends …This spring, I independently issued for myself a tourist visa to Germany, so in this article I want to share my experience on how to get a Schengen to a pensioner. Continue reading

Tourists can spend on the water lily up to 60 seconds for selfies.

Every year, a huge number of tourists come to Shuasi Park in Taiwan’s capital, Taipei City, to see the world’s largest water lilies …

Tourists can spend on the water lily up to 60 seconds for selfies.
And some can even be photographed while sitting on a plant. Continue reading

What is treated in the Czech Republic?

There is such a thing – medical tourism. People buy tours abroad to get to the leading clinics for treatment and rehabilitation. In the top ten most popular countries for travel – the Czech Republic. Every year about 50 thousand foreign patients come to local medical centers, mainly from the EU and the CIS countries. Continue reading

Car Tour: Which Direction Should I Take?
The car provides complete freedom of action for lovers of travel. But it happens that there is time and money, but where to go is difficult to determine. If the…


The tallest skyscraper in the world: what you need to know about visiting Burj Khalifa
The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is the tallest building in the world, which is located in Dubai. Its height is 828 meters. The construction of the Burj Khalifa lasted 6 years…
