Why is Turkey so popular with tourists?
For over ten years, Turkey has been the most popular summer country for beach holidays for Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians. The warm sea and mild climate, comfortable hotels for every…

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attorney services
Dream job: create travel outfits for dogs and their mistress
If you know how and love to do something, for example, to sew beautiful clothes, and you also buy it for good money, isn’t it a dream job ..? Dream…

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Will it be possible to relax in the self-proclaimed countries
Territories that declare independence without the consent of the states in which they belonged are called self-proclaimed ... Will you be able to relax in the self-proclaimed countries Is there…


Top 5 most interesting tourist destinations in Armenia
So, you decided to spend your vacation in Armenia! What to do if, besides exploring museums and attractions, you just want to relax and fully enjoy the beauty of Armenian…

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Holidays in Russia
The beginning of the summer holiday season in Russia this year almost coincided with the start of the World Cup, which had a rather strong influence on both holiday plans…


which has its own specialization.

What is treated in the Czech Republic?

There is such a thing – medical tourism. People buy tours abroad to get to the leading clinics for treatment and rehabilitation. In the top ten most popular countries for travel – the Czech Republic. Every year about 50 thousand foreign patients come to local medical centers, mainly from the EU and the CIS countries. Continue reading

What you need to do in Cyprus?
Cyprus is the place that will be remembered forever. The island is rich in wonderful landscapes, cozy bays with crystal clear waters and beautiful golden beaches ...What you need to…


Car Tour: Which Direction Should I Take?
The car provides complete freedom of action for lovers of travel. But it happens that there is time and money, but where to go is difficult to determine. If the…
