Where to buy insurance for travel abroad?
Before you start traveling abroad on your own, many tourists visited popular resorts with package tours, the cost of which always includes medical insurance ...Where to buy insurance for travel…

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What not to do in Israel tourists
Israel is a free country. You will see this after passing strict passport control at the airport and find yourself in crazy Tel Aviv, where homosexual couples and freaks of…

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Jellyfish season in israel
Despite the small size of Israel, it is washed by two seas - the Mediterranean and Red. However, a beach holiday in the resorts of this country can be overshadowed…


Now in Turkey almost every hotel works with Russian tour operators and tourists, especially as regards the Antalya coast, which is the most popular among Russians ...Turkey Today we will…

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Beautiful Prague: what to see and where to go in the capital of the Czech Republic
"Prague will not let you go," said Kafka, and he was damn right. Millions of tourists who have visited the capital of the Czech Republic, plan to repeat visits. They…


which has its own specialization.

What is treated in the Czech Republic?

There is such a thing – medical tourism. People buy tours abroad to get to the leading clinics for treatment and rehabilitation. In the top ten most popular countries for travel – the Czech Republic. Every year about 50 thousand foreign patients come to local medical centers, mainly from the EU and the CIS countries. Continue reading

10 beach hotels in Bulgaria
In recent years, Bulgaria is regularly among the top five among the beach destinations of the holiday season ... This is facilitated by a number of conditions: the affordable cost…


Top 5 islands of Thailand for night parties
Thailand is one of the best places for lovers of noisy parties. Every year millions of young tourists go to the country to visit beach bars and night clubs ...…
