The Sea of Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts
Much has been written about the rest on the Sea of ​​Azov, its advantages and disadvantages are described in detail ...The Sea of ​​Azov: ten interesting and little-known facts. However,…

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9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world
Sometimes public transport can surprise so much that it's hard for you to imagine ...9 wonders of the world in public transport that hit the world You look at the…

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Will it be possible to relax in the self-proclaimed countries
Territories that declare independence without the consent of the states in which they belonged are called self-proclaimed ... Will you be able to relax in the self-proclaimed countries Is there…


Parachute jumps and air tours are increasingly popular.
Everyone from childhood wanted to learn how to fly. Nowadays, to realize this desire is extremely simple. How about jumping with a parachute or enjoying a beautiful flight on a…

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Season of jellyfish in Tunisia
Every year, more and more jellyfish are found off the coast of popular resorts: an increase in water temperature and its pollution have an effect. Meetings with these marine life…



Beautiful Prague: what to see and where to go in the capital of the Czech Republic

“Prague will not let you go,” said Kafka, and he was damn right. Millions of tourists who have visited the capital of the Czech Republic, plan to repeat visits. They stock up on comfortable shoes and again go to the old, but always young city above the Vltava.

An experienced guide and informational support are simply necessary for the first time in Prague. If you want to spend time with benefit and pleasure, come with us on excursions! Continue reading

10 places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is one of the most popular tourist cities. In addition to the main attractions, in the new capital of Israel there are other interesting places that are usually not…


Cyprus wine tour is not only tasting flavored drink
Cyprus is a beautiful island with beautiful nature, delicious national cuisine, hospitable locals, world-famous wines and a great beach holiday ... Those who buy a trip to Cyprus from the…
