7 life hacking for a long flight
Long air travel is a necessary necessity for achieving big goals. However, following simple rules will make them much more pleasant. Read and memorize!7 life hacking for a long flight…

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What should be brought from Thailand?
Vivid impressions of the trip to Thailand upon returning from this amazing country, of course, should be supported by material - souvenirs, gifts ... The question “what to buy?” In…

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10 places in Jerusalem, which do not know the "package" tourists
Jerusalem is one of the most popular tourist cities. In addition to the main attractions, in the new capital of Israel there are other interesting places that are usually not…


How to get the maximum cashback for travel?
Thanks to the development of Internet marketing, travelers do not resort to the services of travel companies. Many companies are simply not credible. People do not want to overpay, book…

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Car Tour: Which Direction Should I Take?
The car provides complete freedom of action for lovers of travel. But it happens that there is time and money, but where to go is difficult to determine. If the…


Which literally translates as “good.”

What will you hear instead of the Russian “Hello!” In other countries?

If, while in Tokyo and dialing a local number, you hear a strange phrase for the Russian ear, the phrase “mosi mosi”, do not be surprised – this is the Japanese equivalent of our “Hello!” …

What will you hear instead of the Russian “Hello!” In other countries?

Russian, by the way, and the French telephone greeting “Hello!” Continue reading

What not to do in Israel tourists
Israel is a free country. You will see this after passing strict passport control at the airport and find yourself in crazy Tel Aviv, where homosexual couples and freaks of…


7 life hacking for a long flight
Long air travel is a necessary necessity for achieving big goals. However, following simple rules will make them much more pleasant. Read and memorize!7 life hacking for a long flight…
